Calendar of Virtue Growth

Throughout the year, we spend two weeks focusing on each of the 24 GoodMan Virtue Strengths. Each quarter is broken down into virtues of the heart, mind, strength, and soul to focus our attention and growth. Month Category Virtue Strength 1 Strength 2 January Heart Heart:Humanity [H]  [H] Kindness...

January – Kindness

A Virtue of the Heart…Kindness is a virtue strength that is part of the Humanity Virtue. Why does a GoodMan need to be kind? A GoodMan has a strong sense of equal regard for all humanity. It is looking out for others. Being generous, compassionate, and altruistic is the...

GoodMan Virtues

What are the GoodMan virtues? We broke it down into what we can relate to: Heart, Mind, Strength and Soul. If we think of these virtues and strengths as where they originate it makes it easier to learn and apply. Learn and apply these and you will not only...